πŸ€–NeonAI: Your AI-Powered Assistant

Light up your Crypto Security with AI.

As aforementioned, there are a lot of various risk factors that can lead to you losing out on your investment - whether it'd be through Honeypots or Rugpulls. As such, we've built our NeonAI Bot in order to make the hidden dangers visible, allowing you to make a better move with the clarity gained from NeonAI's insights. The NeonAI Bot is easily accessible through Telegram - you simply need to join our group in order to gain access to the AI chatbot, as well as its features. Risk-Level Assessment and Grading Score Once the NeonAI Bot receives a Smart Contract Adress (CA), it will analyze various factors and potential risks before giving out a so called "Risk-Level". There are 3 different Risk-Levels, which are based on several indicators and factors about the contract, the liquidity pool, among other things that we will go into detail about later on. Furthermore, NeonAI Bot will grade the token based on how secure it is to invest in it. Low Risk-Level, Grading Score of at least 85/100 This is the safest risk-level that you can find a token to be in. There are little to zero potential risk factors that lead to you being scammed, which is a great indicator for the Token being a safe investment. Medium Risk-Level, Grading score of at least 60/100 A medium risk-level indicates that there are some factors that have been assessed to be good indicator for a safe indicator. On the other hand, there are also some red flags that could make the token a potentially unsafe investment.

High Risk-Level, Grading score of less than 60/100. This is what we like to call the danger zone. Tokens that score lower than 60 have a much higher likelihood of being scams. Tokens that score at this level could potentially contain loopholes. Loopholes that MALDEVs will probably use in order to exploit your investments. If you find that the CA you asked an audit for gets a High Risk-Level, then it's likely better for you to stay away from investing in it.

With NeonAI by your side, you can confidently explore the crypto frontier, knowing you have a powerful AI companion to guide you through the shadows and illuminate the path to secure investments.

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