☒️The Hidden Dangers

Some of the risks involved in trading cryptocurrencies are well known. Volatile markets are in our opinion the signature trade mark of crypto. It is common knowledge, that crypto trading has associated risks of volatile market movements. As such it is not a hidden danger so to speak, rather, it is a well known risk-reward calculation you need to make it in the end. Even though crypto is known for its volatility, you might not have concluded that there are several factors and even other problems that have the potential to alter market movements - not just for the bigger coins, such as BTC, ETH, and SOL, but also the smaller coins, commonly known as Altcoins, Memecoins, or Shitcoins. When it comes to the market-leading cryptocurrencies, the greater problems that traders face are: Data Overload: There is a lot of charts, one for every single altcoin, one for every single cryptocurrency and one for every single stock on the entire planet. As such, there is a lot of information to take in, and that's only just by observing the charts! Furthermore, one's judgment can easily be affected by the opinions of others - added to the fact of the influence that Social Media has on people nowadays, it is very reasonable to conclude that there is a lot of information to take in when it comes to investing, as well as a lot of "opinions from gurus" to search through. And that's not even taking in to account how your own emotions can cloud your decisions.

FOMO/Market and Social Media Sentiment: FOMO, or rather, Fear Of Missing Out is an emotion that we all have likely felt at some point in our lives, whether it is within the crypto space, or even in the real life - from a party you don't wanna miss, to being part of the group, and what not. What you might not realize is that this is something that is exploitable by not only the "Whales", but also by some of the Devs! Devs with maliscious intent: As we've previously mentioned, there are quite a lot of hidden dangers within the crypto space. One of these dangers, are some of the Devs themselves. They have found several ways of exploitment in order to take advantage of you buying their token. These MALDEVS, as we like to call them, are somewhat akin to Con Artists, tricking you into buying their golden apple, only for you to find out that the apple was painted, and it was actually made of paper. The MALDEVs use every single methond in the book to take profit: From honeypot scams, Rugpulls, Preloaded CAs, to Proxy Contracts. All of this is possible through loopholes that the MALDEVs make in the contract, in order to be able to exploit the contract in order to take a higher profit. As you might have surmized, there are quite a lot of potential bear traps around a bullish market. How are you supposed take everything into account? Sure, some might already be donig it, but to say the least, it's quite exhausting, to have to search through so much data, to have to read through every single line of code in a smart contract, or even paying someone to do it for you. Either way, you almost always lose something. That's exactly why we have created NeonAI. We understand the trial and errors that every single trader has likely gone through. We understand the frustation of losing because of faulty information and exploitable contracts. We understand what it's like, to having you heart fighting your brain, making you uncertain. We understand the difficulties of crypto trading. Crypto can be a pretty dark game, a losing game. NeonAI aims to shine some light upon it, in order to give you a Neon-Bright clarity to your future trades.

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