πŸ‘¨β€πŸ«Welcome to the World of Crypto

Bitcoin and Ethereum. Smart contracts and Altcoins. Rugpulls and Honeypots. Alphas and Memecoins. There is a lot to the world of cryptocurrencies, and we believe there is nothing quite like it. Sure, you could compare the Stockmarket to the Cryptomarket but we all know which one of them has had the hugest effect on these past years. A lot of people have put their faith in crypto, demonstrated by the insane alltime highs that Bitcoin has had. We can all agree upon the fact that the crypto market has created millionaries who had nothing but a couple of dollars worth to their name.

And it is true, some people truly got past the rat race by betting on the GOAT of dark horses.

However, the opposite can be mentioned as well. A lot of people have lost investments throughout the cryptomarket due to its volatility. From losing a long or a short position, to being liquidated, to falling for honeypot scams or having the literal rug pulled out from below your feet. We all have lost in crypto, some more than others. But what if we told you that we have identified the most common problems that investors and traders face in the crypto game? What if we told you that we have gathered all the data, in order to simplify it for you? What if we told you, that we may very well have made this risky game a lot safer? We on NeonAI, will shine the light so that you may find the end of the tunnel.

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